Monday, February 16, 2009

Office Romance

Waking up is hard to do. Getting dressed for a job you aren't particularly fond of isn't much fun either. But I do it, because I have a life to support. An apartment to pay for, a car payment, insurance, phone bill, etc. Not to mention my horses, who are my life. At least it pays well.

I commence to driving the twenty minutes to downtown and parking in my reserved spot, I guess my job has it's perks, parking space, company tickets to shows, benefits, and a gas card.

I walked in, greeted Taylor the receptionist, grabbed my morning starbucks and headed for the elevator. He walked up beside me, and I got an instant knot in my stomach. Out of fear or utter fascination I wasn't sure, but he was there and he was breath takingly gorgeous.

I hadn't ever seen him before this morning. I hesitated to introduce myself, and just as I opened my mouth to speak, the doors opened, I stepped into the elevator trying to hide my shy, blushing face. It was him and I and we were alone, and I realized I was afraid of him. Why, I couldn't decide, but I knew he wasn't like me, or any human I'd ever met, he was amazing, perfect and god-like in every way.

"Hi, I'm Art" he said cooly. His voice was like a song, something dark and mysterious, and it drew me in further. Yes, yes you are. A work of art indeed.

"Hi" was all I could choke out.

I sipped my coffee, and played out some form of conversation in my head.

"I'm Katelyn," I managed, avoiding contact with his perfect eyes, which the one time I looked I noticed they were green, "I work in the law firm upstairs"

"I'm Art Tyler," he spoke so softly, you almost had to lean in to hear him, "I'm starting as the new PA for the law firm upstairs, so I suppose I'll be seeing alot of you, which I hope will make it easier for me, being new here and all."

Oh this just keeps getting better.

"Yes, I suppose we'll be spending lots of time together, I'm your legal assitant"

"Wonderful," he continued, maintaining eye contact with me, "Katelyn, where's a decent place to eat around here?"

"Oh, umm, I guess it depends on what you're in the mood for," I stammered a little but managed to get to the end of my sentences, "There's a great italian place on the corner, or a really nice steakhouse about a block north of here."

"Well what do you like?, I'd love to take you to lunch today and get to know you a little better"

Forward, but damn he was beautiful, and seemed so sweet, and worth any heartache that could come of this.

"Well how about the little pizza place on the corner?"

"Sounds great, how's 11:30?"



My morning was passing by rather swiftly, normal work stuff, phone calls, paperwork, bills to be paid, monday meetings, and then it was lunch time.

Art and I walked around the corner to Bella's Italian and sat at an empty table on the patio.

We chatted about music, work, and what we did in our spare time.

Art was into classical music, Bach, Beethoven, Motzart etc. He wore clothes that made him look like a model, but I don't think he intended to dress that way. In fact I was almost positive he didn't know how gorgeous he was. He graduated from some little private college I'd never heard of, and he moved to Seattle to take this job, and to get away from his old life. He seemed hesitant to explain just exactly what he was running from. He rode horses, and played guitar. He was starting to be everything I wanted.

I started undressing him with my eyes, how if I ever had the chance I would remove his tie, slowly unbutton his shirt, and press my body into his rock hard abs. Then I snapped back to reality.

Work went like normal the rest of the afternoon. Art didn't waste much time. He promptly invited me to have a glass of wine after work, and I accepted. It had been a year since I'd been on a date, or had a boyfriend and I was ready to get the ball rolling.

We met at this cute little bar about two miles from our office building. It was small, and not very full which was nice. We sat in a two seater booth and talked about family, and our likes and dislikes. He told me about his parents and how he has two sisters and a brother. He had horses as a kid, but school got in the way and he couldn't keep them through college.

About two bottles of wine later, we were leaving the bar, and he asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him. I didn't see any harm.

We were walking down South Street, and he reached for my hand. I realized why I was afraid of him, the electricity that went up my arm and through my body was painful. We walked toward the sound, and found a bench about a mile from the ferry boats. We sat and watched people walk by, cars driving on an off the ferrys. It was cool out, and one of the few nights it wasn't raining in Seattle. I was falling fast for my boss.

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